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What Does Campaign Response Mean?

Puzzled by some integration terms? Today we explain one of the most common ones: Campaign Response. You will use this feature extensively in your integration.


Campaign Response is a way of recording the responses from your prospects or clients in an email marketing campaign. This records the Opens, Clicks, URLs Clicked, and Bounces. 

So this means that we will bring back the metrics to CRM from your Marketing Automation solution, such as Opens, Clicks, Bounces, and URLs Clicked. 

This SyncApps feature allows you to sync the Campaign Response data from your Marketing Automation solution to your CRM. Just a simple point and press, then Sync!

See solution-specific Campaign Responses here...

Need to run Campaign Responses on every sync? Enable this feature today in Step 5!

"Always run Campaign Responses on every sync" in Step 5 of the Set Up will sync your Marketing Automation Campaign results such as Opens, Clicks, Bounces, and Links Clicked back to your CRM/Financials software.

By default, SyncApps will only retrieve back Campaigns that were sent from the last 30 days moving forward. Need to sync the historical data that was sent for more than 30 days, 90 days, 180 days, or even the oldest ones to your CRM? 

  • 90 days Campaign response retrieval 
  • 180 days Campaign Response Retrieval 
  • Unlimited Campaign Response retrieval (All Campaign metrics) 

Each of these options is available on our Agency Plan.

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