Removing Contacts from Constant Contact who have Opted Out, been deleted in Salesforce or removed from Filters in SyncApps is critical to keeping your lists compliant.
By default, all Salesforce records that have synced previously yet have subsequently had Email Opt Out marked on their record or have been deleted in Salesforce can be removed from your Constant Contact Lists.
Enabling this cool feature below in Step 2 of your Set Up will help clean up your list from those deleted in Salesforce.
Want to unsubscribe Contacts, Leads, or Accounts from your Constant Contact Main List if a record Unsubscribes or Opts Out in Salesforce? Select this feature
Note: If you receive an error in your logs for opt-out sync, then be sure to check if you have placed the Email Opt Out field on the layout of the record type being synced to have this feature work to remove a record from a Constant Contact list when it is opted out in Salesforce.
Filtering and Segmentation - removing from Lists
If you are using Salesforce Checkboxes and need to control removal from Lists via SyncApps Filtering & Segmentation, then using "Is Equal" can also pull Records from Salesforce. However, if this is unchecked in Salesforce, it won't remove the record from your Lists, so please use in your Filter "is True" - Checkbox Checked / "is False" Checkbox Unchecked criteria instead.
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