Use Zendesk Time Tracking? Sync it back to NetSuite on our Enterprise plans!
Zendesk to NetSuite time tracking. Zendesk Time Tracking Software (Get it here!) must be installed in Zendesk.
To enable Time Tracking in your integration, just check the feature in Step 1, "Sync Time Tracking information".
If this option is checked, SyncApps will sync time-tracking information from Zendesk to NetSuite time tracking. Next, enter the NetSuite Location Field in Step 3 of this integration to sync back time tracking for it.
Currently, only static text can be mapped to a NetSuite Location field.
Please create a static text in Step 3 with one of the NetSuite location names and map it to the NetSuite Location field.
Save Field Mapping, and you should be all set to start tracking time against projects.
Please note that Zendesk Time Tracking software must be installed in Zendesk. Download it here if you have not already into Zendesk.
Lastly, check NetSuite for each case that is using Time Tracking to see the results.
How Time Tracking Works in NetSuite | How Time Tracking Works in Zendesk
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