Both types of Bounces, Hard and Soft, land in the Campaign Member Status and in the Campaign Response field coming from Mailchimp to Salesforce.
Mailchimp "Cleans" any Hard Bounces from your Audience and prevents emailing to the same address. However, soft bounces (which could be caused by a full mailbox or other reasons) are permitted to be mailed to again, up to 7 Soft Bounces.
For Campaign Response coming from Mailchimp, there are no separate Soft Bounce and Hard Bounce calls as the API does not differentiate that information.
However, for Hard Bounce (Cleaned) status, it can be synced back to a custom field (checkbox type), so you can see if a contact is in Hard Bounce Status.
Try it out today mapping Hard Bounce from Mailchimp to Salesforce in Field Mapping in Step 4 in your Set Up.
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Hi, how does this work for Microsoft Dynamics CRM to Mailchimp Sync? I tried the custom field mapping but there is no "MailChimp Hard Bounce*" field to select from in my sync Profile.
Also in Dynamics CRM it would have to be mapped to a custom field in campaign response, which again I cannot control in the sync Profile. Any tips?
Thanks Nina and I think our team answered this back when posted on the support ticket yet just to follow up as if you press "Refresh Field Mapping" in Step 4 of the Sync Profile you will see this field *MailChimp Hard Bounce so in Dynamics CRM a field will just need to be created for it to map to.
After adding new mapping please reset your SyncApps so all your data will be re-synced with the new mapping.
Hope that helps,