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Syncing Mailchimp Hard Bounces To Salesforce


If you’re here, then probably you are wanting to sync Mailchimp Hard Bounces to Salesforce.

You can do a few simple steps to set this up successfully!

Please note that if using Campaign Responses, the Bounces field will automatically come back into the custom field the integration creates called "Bounces." This applies to all marketing automation solutions we support today.

If "Bounces" goes from 0 > 1 > 2, then you can assume it is a Hard Bounce from the Campaign History metrics. 

Mailchimp's API also supports mapping back "Hard Bounce" to Salesforce. You can see this in Step 4 of your Set Up. You can use a simple CRM Checkbox field to map from the Mailchimp *Hard Bounce field, and that’s it!

How can I view the Hard Bounce in Mailchimp?

Finally, if wanting to remove those in CRM, here are a few easy steps you can do:

  1. If using Mailchimp, you can run a report on the custom field “Hard Bounce”
  2. Then completely remove Hard Bounce records in Salesforce

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