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Get Revenue Data From Purchases Made On A NetSuite Website Into Mailchimp


Are you trying to integrate all NetSuite Sales Orders, Products, and Customers from NetSuite to Mailchimp to analyze eCommerce metrics? 

SyncApps integrates with NetSuite’s SuiteCommerce Advanced eCommerce platform and NetSuite's ERP side, so you're in luck.

Marketing automation from Mailchimp is a powerful tool for eCommerce businesses. 

"Whether you’re a brick and mortar looking to supplement your business online, an online-only retailer, a daily deals site, or a retail giant, Mailchimp has everything you need to connect with your audience, advertise your products, sell more stuff, and grow your business."

The eCommerce feature for NetSuite is a way to allow your marketing team to create Mailchimp segmentation for future marketing or remarketing using purchasing data from NetSuite to Mailchimp.

How To Get Started!


Ensure that your NetSuite Role, the one used in the integration, has the correct set of Permissions so that the eCommerce data will be syncing to your Mailchimp Store.

To sync your NetSuite eCommerce data to segment based on purchases from NetSuite, please select this option in Step 2 of the Set Up, a term for your integration.

Sync eCommerce Data

The first time the integration runs may take some time because it will sync all NetSuite Sales Orders, Products, and Customers from NetSuite to Mailchimp to analyze eCommerce metrics.

By default, SyncApps syncs all NetSuite Customers, including those that don't have a Sales Order, for the eCommerce functionality.

These NetSuite Customers are added as Non-subscribed in Mailchimp.

This is because the NetSuite Sales Order needs to update the Customer's last modified date, which is used as an integration key. This could cause some Customers not to be synced.

This could potentially cause an error when syncing a Sales Order to Mailchimp, as the Customer does not exist in Mailchimp.

Be sure to allow time for the first sync to process all your Customers and Orders for the Mailchimp eCommerce Feature.

If you're on the Free Trial or just testing it to see what it looks like, once you've enabled the "Sync eCommerce Data", please head over then to Step 5 and specify the integration Start Date of your preferred date:

Note: By setting the base date for the eCommerce feature, the products that were last modified before the base date will not be included; thus, some errors will appear in the logs. These can be ignored based on choosing a base date to sync orders and customers from NetSuite.

For example, you can set the date to a week ago; this means that SyncApps will only sync all your records, including eCommerce Data created last week, which will be the only data synced to Mailchimp. 

If you have a lot of data, the best practice is to do this over the weekend so as not to interrupt other integrations running in NetSuite or actually turn these other integrations off to run only SyncApps for this process over the weekend.

If you already have an existing Set Up and want to update it, once this option is selected, please do not forget to Reset Sync Process and Resync.

Note: By setting the base date for the eCommerce feature, the products that were last modified before the base date will not be included; thus, some errors will appear in the logs. These can be ignored based on choosing a base date to sync orders and customers from NetSuite.


06 June 2022 03:24:41 ERROR

Error sync order #166,  Id: 156774
{"type":"","title":"Bad Request","status":400,"detail":"A product with the provided ID does not exist in the account for this list.","instance":""}

eCommerce Store Name

The Store name can be the SuiteCommerce Store Name in NetSuite, where your eCommerce shoppers visit, or any name you choose. 


Purchases from NetSuite will be displayed by date on the Mailchimp record.

Mailchimp includes the number of items purchased, the order total, the average order value, and the order number for each transaction. Tap the order to view the details in your connected store. From these connected store value fields, you can run automation in Mailchimp to meet most any marketing automation requirements, so give it a try today.

For metrics like "Total revenue" and "Average order value," we automatically place them inside the relevant placeholders that Mailchimp allows in their eCommerce 360 for each Mailchimp record.

Product images and their URL are synced to Content Studio> Products> (select a specific Product). View details.

The Product images from NetSuite will be integrated from the NetSuite File Cabinet by default. 

These are the pre-mapped Products fields: 



Item Internal ID

Product ID

Item ID

Product Title

Item Store Display Name

Product Description

Item Image URL

Product Image URL

Item Online Price

Product Variant Price

Product Custom field mapping is not supported due to NetSuite API not being available for it.

Need to also sync NetSuite Abandoned Carts to Mailchimp? Check this out! 

Mailchimp Email Campaign ROI inside of NetSuite:

If you are trying to get the ROI per campaign sent out of Mailchimp, which is created as a Custom Record in NetSuite, then use this SuiteScript base script in NetSuite to place on the Mailchimp Custom Record created in NetSuite against new customers sent the campaign.

[((number of leads x lead-to-customer rate x average sales price) - cost or ad spend) ÷ cost or ad spend] x 100.

The same formula applied to existing customers if they opened the email and, within 30 days, purchased the product. Ref:

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