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How To Bring Back Campaign Metrics To Salesforce


This article will discuss how to see the Marketing Metrics such as Opens, Clicks, Bounces, URLs Clicked, Open Rates, and Click Rates in Salesforce integrated with your Marketing Automation software of choice. 

This means that we will bring back the metrics to CRM from your Marketing Automation solution, such as Opens, Clicks, Bounces, Forwards, Unsubscribes, and URLs Clicked from any marketing sent to the List or Audience named in Step 2 of your integration.

Salesforce Campaign Member Status is always up-to-date with the latest status, automatically, as one of the following: 

  • Clicked:  If the recipient clicked 
  • Opened: If the recipient opened
  • Bounced: Email Bounced
  • Unsubscribed: Opted Out of an email campaign
  • Sent: If the recipient is a member of the Email Marketing Campaign and none of the above statuses applied.

5 Types of Campaign Response


Create Salesforce Campaign

NOTE: In Salesforce, the default character limit for Campaign names is 80. If the Campaign name being sent from Mailchimp exceeds 100 characters, ensure it is shortened to avoid issues with creating or syncing the Campaign and its members back to Salesforce from Mailchimp.

  • This option will create a Campaign in Salesforce from your Marketing Automation solution with the Campaign Members in it, together with the individual Campaign Metrics. See the fields we create and the layouts needed to place each here. (Open Rate and Click Rate are premapped)
  • An option to only sync back those as Campaign Members who interacted with the email sent is an option to limit Campaign Member creation and avoid large volumes of Salesforce storage due to Campaign Member creation. (1 & 2) 

  • When you open a specific Contact, you can also see the Campaign engagements under the Campaign History.
  • To map the total metric fields for each Campaign synced to Salesforce, go to the Field Mapping Step and map each field under the "Campaign Tab." Tap “Add Mapping” after you select your field to map.

A Salesforce Campaign is created for every email your Marketing Automation solution sends to the Main List or Audience selected. 


Campaign engagements under "Campaign History":


Create Salesforce Activity 

  • If this option is selected, then each event, such as Opening or Clicking, will create a new Activity (Task) in Salesforce. Also, an option for tracking URLs Clicked and Send Event as Tasks.
  • By default, URLs Clicked are synced to the activity description field.


If you need to sync it to a specific custom field, say, "URLs Clicked," you will need to create a new Task/Activity custom field in Salesforce and map it in your Set Up in Step 3. 

Activity Task subject naming convention is set by SyncApps using the following logic:

If an Activity status is not mapped, then the status (Opened, Clicked, Bounced, Sent) will be added to the task subject.

Example: Clicked email campaign: Test campaign 1

If an Activity status is mapped to a custom field, then the status is not added to the task subject.

Example: Email campaign: Test campaign 1

Create Salesforce Campaign + Activity 

  • This option is a combination of Option 1 and Option 2. 
  • If Campaign + Activity mode is selected, then the Email Event field will also be populated in both Activities and the Campaign.


Create Contacts or Lead Notes 

  • If using this option, then no extra field placement is needed. We will sync back your Email Campaign(s) to Salesforce Notes and, in addition, add an attachment of the Email sent to Leads and Contacts. 
  • Please note in the Email Attachment; Salesforce Storage will be used as well, so make sure you have storage available. (Designed for Financial Institutions, Insurance Agencies, Banks, and others for compliance reasons)


Bring back only Marketing Metrics

  • This Option will create a Campaign in Salesforce from your Marketing Automation with the total number of Campaign Metrics from a specific Campaign.  This will not sync Campaign Members, saving tons of Salesforce storage
  • The fields such as Opens, Clicks, Forwards, Bounces, Unsubscribes, Open Rate, Click Rate URLs Clicked, and Email Events are mapped in Step 3 for summary-based reporting in Salesforce.

After selecting the preferred Campaign Response Sync Mode in Step 1 of the Set Up, you can next map the totals for the Campaign Response fields in Step 3 for the Campaigns you send back to Salesforce. Choose the Campaign Tab in Step 3 to map each field.

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