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How To Leverage The Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack Features For Your Integration


Check out how the Salesforce integration features dedicated to the Nonprofit Success Pack (NPSP) can help your team succeed.    

Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack for Constant Contact

Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack for Mailchimp

NY Salesforce Nonprofit User Group

The Nonprofit Success Pack data model is slightly different from the Salesforce CRM data model, so this quick overview article will explain how SyncApps handles each scenario.

Check Personal, Work, and Alternate emails for creating records from your marketing solution.


  • This feature is targeted at creating records in Salesforce. You can use it to check each email address and see if it already exists in Salesforce and/or if it's under those record's non-preferred email addresses like Home (Personal), Work, or Alternate email addresses.

Built-in features:

  • If this feature is enabled, SyncApps will look at any email fields on the record in Salesforce NPSP to see if that newly created record from your Marketing Automation software already exists under those fields.

Angie-Jones-Salesforce.pngHere are the field examples below:

  npe01__HomeEmail__c (Personal Email)


My work email is the preferred email on the NPSP, my wife is the personal email and my kid is the alternate email.

  • If the email address already exists as one of the Non-Preferred email fields, SyncApps will not update those emails to that Salesforce record and instead just consider it a match.
  • For Marketing Metrics, if this NPSP feature is enabled and "Sync Campaign Responses to all matching records" is also enabled in Step 1 under "Want to track the Marketing Metrics such as Opens, Clicks, Bounces back to Salesforce from your Mailchimp Campaign(s)? Select this feature" of your automation, then updates from those non-preferred email addresses to the Main (preferred email) record will sync back.
  • If the record Opts Out of the Preferred email in your Marketing Automation solution, then this is the only record that will sync back to check the Email Opt Out in Salesforce automatically. The other emails will still exist in your Marketing Automation solution.
  • On subsequent syncs back to Salesforce NPSP, the records will create new Contacts, as each exists today as a separate email record in your marketing solution unless one-way sync is enabled.

Another example scenario using Mailchimp for Salesforce:

  • In Salesforce, is the Preferred email, and is the work email under the record. 
  • Now, in Mailchimp, these two are separate contacts; they both received the newsletters in Mailchimp.
  • When syncing back to Salesforce, since the above feature "Check Personal, Work, and Alternate email for creating records from your marketing solution" is enabled, Jsmith's work email-non-preferred in Campaign Responses will also be synced to John Doe's preferred email record in Salesforce.​

Salesforce Contact with two email addresses has one unsubscribed in Mailchimp:

  • If you happen to change a record's NPSP Preferred email from work to personal after the work email is opted out from Mailchimp, then the personal email will not be subscribed in Mailchimp from Salesforce as the Email Opt Out is still checked on the record. On a subsequent sync, the Mailchimp API will just match the existing new preferred email on the opted-out record and uncheck the Email Opt Out checkbox in Salesforce. 

The NPSP feature is used to check for duplicates (SyncApps uses email) upon creation in Salesforce by checking the preferred email and other emails.

Example Scenario if the feature is enabled:

  1. SyncApps initiates the creation process of
  2. is not the preferred email address (work email, for example) but the personal email of an existing contact.
  3. SyncApps does not create the record because it sees it as a duplicate.

Example Scenario if the feature is not enabled:

  1. SyncApps initiates the creation process of
  2. is not the preferred email address (work email, for example) but the personal email of an existing contact
  3. SyncApps will only consider the preferred email and create the record in Salesforce.

The use cases below are using the Checkbox Field Mapping feature for Salesforce NPSP integrations in SyncApps.

Scenario A: 

The Preferred email is the Personal Email, and Checkbox A is checked as one of the Preferences and then synced to Group A in Mailchimp.

Note that Checkboxes A, B, and C are mapped to Groups A, B, and C in Step 1 accordingly. 
Since Checkbox A was checked prior to when the Personal email was used as the Preferred email for this contact record, it has now changed to Work Email as the new preferred (Checkbox A still checked). And then Checkbox B is also checked for the work email, so when the sync runs, the "Work Email" is now in Group A and Group B (since Salesforce is the Master, and we'll always follow what is in that record in Salesforce).

Also, for updating the Email addresses when using preferred (use-case is that if the other email addresses, like the alternate and work email addresses are, already existing as other contacts in Mailchimp), we cannot update the existing Mailchimp Contact because the work email is already existing as another contact in Mailchimp so we will connect to that existing Contact.

Scenario B:

For example, Work email is now the new Preferred; note that Work Email is also pre-existing in Group B in Mailchimp, and Checkbox B is unchecked.

When we run the sync, does it automatically connect Mailchimp Group B to Checkbox B (if the Step 2 webhook feature is enabled; update profile form)? 

The answer for this use case is that the regular sync won't update anything in Salesforce if the email address already exists, but the webhook does. So, the Contact will have to be updated first in Mailchimp so that the webhook fires/triggers and SyncApps updates the record in Salesforce.

*Diagram below is for Scenario B


Create an Organization Affiliation for records from your marketing automation software


This feature is ideal for nonprofits that rely on donations.


  • For example, you can see a new record in Mailchimp that donated to your nonprofit personally, not from that of the organization they are part of.
  • Instead of creating/syncing the Company name in Mailchimp or Constant Contact to the Company name/Account name/Org name in Salesforce NPSP, we will create an Affiliation (Household account) for that record instead. This way, you can keep better track of who donated and whether their donation had anything to do with their work affiliation or not.  
  • By default, if the Company from, for example, Constant Contact is not blank, then SyncApps will create it as an Account in Salesforce and it will be the Account Name for the Contact. If the feature is enabled, then SyncApps will still create the Company as an Account, but only as an Affiliation. SyncApps will also create a Household Account as the Contact's Account Name.


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