You now have the ability to tie Mailchimp to NetSuite's robust CRM so you can have your sales reps aware of where prospects are in the sales cycle and manage your subscription lists globally.
Abandoned Cart prospects synced from NetSuite to Mailchimp Audience when the Transaction Saved Search is used in the Set Up in Step 1 and can be scheduled to run in real-time on our Agency plan.
Enjoy full-blown marketing automation using Mailchimp integrated with NetSuite by choosing merge field changed options to trigger your Autoresponders when a subscriber Information has been updated in your list from NetSuite field updates. And even update NetSuite fields too from Mailchimp using the Mailchimp Update Profile Form and Field Mapping.
For the Mailchimp to NetSuite direction, only fields mapped in Step 4 and updated via the Mailchimp Update Profile form would sync across to NetSuite's existing records. New records, of course, always flow over to NetSuite with all their field mappings from Mailchimp.
From the NetSuite to Mailchimp direction, for example, if you have a field in your Audience called -Last Product ordered - you can set your Autoresponder to trigger when the value for - Last Product ordered - changes based on NetSuite field updates.
Let's take a look now at some best practices for testing Mailchimp for NetSuite integration
On your trial testing the integration is pretty straightforward as in NetSuite there can be various stages of a Company like - Lead, Prospect, etc., and Contacts are attached to a Company as well as Companies can be an Individual.
The one thing they all have in common is an email address so this is the unique identifier in SyncApps no matter which stage of the lifecycle they are in as a Customer or as an attached Contact.
Duplicates happen, and things get lost in the mix with Sales Reps, Marketing, and Finance entering data into NetSuite. However, for integrations, it's super important to clean up duplicates or at least have a process to merge these before getting started as SyncApps looks at emails.
During the integration be sure you have NetSuite Company and Contact duplicates taken care of as SyncApps algorithm integrates to the first email on the Company, no matter the Stage, and the Contact if using these types of Saved Searches. Other duplicates are ignored in NetSuite by default.
Let's do some testing to see how this works.
1.) First things first, before setting up the integration, be sure to set up the Custom Role and Permissions plus the Token-Based Authentication in NetSuite to be used for the integration. This is a prerequisite step so that the records will flow in and out correctly. If not set up correctly, the integration will have like an insufficient permissions error.
Check out these articles:
- How to Setup NetSuite Token-Based Authentication as Authentication Type
- Required Level of Permissions for NetSuite Integration
Setting up the NetSuite Permissions may take effect within 24 hours, so if the integration still errors even if you have the correct permissions, please wait for at least 24 hours for the Permissions to fully take effect on your NetSuite Account.
2.) Don't have a SyncApps Free Trial account yet? Sign up here.
For new users, you can tap the "Create a New Integration Set Up" button in the Dashboard or you can tap the "Set-Ups" tab to create your very first integration.
Enter the Name, and on the second text box, type "NetSuite," and this will show the app combo integration, tap that one and then tap the "Create Setup":
3.) This will then prompt you to Step 1 of the Integration Setup. Enter your NetSuite credentials for Token-Based Authentication:
You can use a NetSuite Sandbox, which is really just a test account type that replicates your live NetSuite account. It uses testing records that will not affect your live or production records when syncing. If you are testing records or requirements and want your production records to remain unaltered, enable this option.
4.) From NetSuite, you can integrate unlimited Contacts, Companies in your NetSuite or the specific Saved Search and sync them to an "Audience" in Mailchimp plus the Group or Tag automatically, so make sure for testing purposes, create test records so only these specific records will be synced to Mailchimp.
Use NetSuite Saved Searches to segment to Mailchimp Groups or Tags on each sync automatically. Create a Netsuite Contact/Customer Saved Search, then mark it as "Public." The Search ID will also be shown in the URL of the Saved Search.
Now, how to know if these Saved Searches will be created as Group(s)/Tag(s) under your specified Mailchimp Audience? These options will be in Step 2 of the integration Setup.
5.) Enable the "Sync Email Marketing Data" so that once you send a Mailchimp Campaign to this Group/Tag (the Saved Search that will be created by SyncApps once you run the first sync), we can then sync back the responses back to NetSuite. See the article below for more information:
By default, SyncApps will only sync over the Mailchimp Campaign Responses back to NetSuite for those Campaigns that were sent within the rolling 30 days. Need to sync Campaign responses that were sent more than 30 days or even the historical data back to NetSuite? Send a note to our 24/7 Support Team today!
6.) Are you using NetSuite Oneworld? If so, you will need to specify the "Default Subsidiary" as this is needed in NetSuite when creating new records from Mailchimp back to Netsuite and under the "New Subscriber Object type" this is the controller to what Object type will those records be created in NetSuite would it be Contacts, Leads, or Customers.
Tap the Next Step button to save the configuration and will then head to Step 2.
7.) In Step 2 of the Integration Setup, enter your Mailchimp API key, and copy and paste it then to this Step. Select the Main Audience that you'll be using for this integration:
8.) In this particular Step of the Setup, you can control your NetSuite Saved Searches creation under your Mailchimp Audience; this would be Groups or Tags.
If using Groups, then by default, SyncApps will create first the "My Groups" Group Category in Mailchimp, and under that, we will then create the specified Saved Searches as Group(s).
If you want these Saved Searches to be created under an existing Group Category in NetSuite, then Specify the Group Category name under the "Group Category Name to use."
9.) Complete the setup by tapping the Next Step buttons up until you reach Step 6 of the Integration Set Up, set the Sync Interval, then tap the finish button and run the very first sync:
10.) Once the sync is completed, send a Campaign to that Mailchimp Group that was created by SyncApps and wait for the scheduled sync to run, or you can force run the sync by tapping the "Sync Now" button.
11.) Sync is completed now? Good! Head over to the Contact/Customer record now in NetSuite.
- We auto-create a custom record for Mailchimp Marketing Metrics, which auto-attaches to the Customer/Contact record in NetSuite.
- All Opens, Clicks, Bounces, and Links Clicked are tracked on this custom record to then allow your Sales team to quickly spring into action using advanced workflows to alert them on deals and prospect actions.
- Reports can be set up for it in NetSuite (Saved Searches) and/or SuiteScript for workflow created to meet various use cases on your NetSuite Dashboard.
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