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Bring Back Campaign Responses From Specific Lists In Constant Contact To Your CRM

Are you using various Constant Contact Lists to send Email Campaigns to and want to sync these back from your chosen CRM?


In this article, we will cover some of the ways to send back marketing metrics to your CRM. In marketing terminology, this is called a Campaign Response.

First, let's lay the groundwork for this article by clarifying one crucial point about SyncApps integrations. CRM, your system of record, will always take precedence. As a result, all of the records from your CRM will be created in the specified Constant Contact Main List, but only the new records from that same Constant Contact Main List will sync back and be created as new records in CRM if they do not exist at the time of sync.

When using Campaign Response, the records should also be in both systems to capture all the marketing metrics back to the specific CRM record. SyncApps will only grab the Campaign Response data from records that exist in both systems.

We also only integrate one Main List per Set Up, not multiple lists.

Now, how can you sync the Campaign Responses to CRM as Campaign Members together with the Marketing Metrics?

Here's how it works.

Step A: Sync the records from your Constant Contact Main List to your CRM

Object Type is the term for which type of record in CRM you are integrating to. In Step 1 of the Set Up, be sure to select " What do you want to sync? " which Object Type you're syncing; your Set Up will follow your preference selected. This means that if you have selected Leads as the Object Type to sync, then only Lead Records will be updated.


Make sure to also select an Object Type for the "Which type of record would you like to create in Salesforce for new records? " selection. If you leave it blank, SyncApps will follow the  Object Type option selected by default.


In Step 2 of the Set Up, enter the name of your existing Main List. If your Main List does not exist in Constant Contact then SycnApps will automatically create one.

Next, select any of the other Lists you would like to also sync back existing and new records using the feature "Sync from Specific Lists". 


Once done, tap the update button, hit Save. This will take you back to your integration page for the specific Set Up. Finally, hit Reset Sync Process, and then resync.

Step B: Running Campaign Response

Now that the records are in both systems, head to Step 1 of the Set Up and enable the "Sync Campaign Responses" option.


Select a Campaign Response Sync Mode. The Campaign Response Sync Mode selection dictates what type of marketing metrics will be brought back to your CRM.

In the case of Salesforce, for example, we suggest the "Create Salesforce Campaign," which can show you how Campaigns flow back to CRM from Constant Contact.

This choice will create a new CRM Campaign together with the marketing metrics. Let's say the name of that Constant Contact Campaign is "Test Campaign A". SyncApps will create a new CRM Campaign named "Test Campaign A" together with the Campaign Members and marketing metrics, such as Opens, Clicks, Bounces, and URLs Clicked.

Once done, hit the Next button.

In Step 2 of the Set Up, select the specific Constant Contact Campaign. Make sure that the recipient of the Constant Contact Campaign is your specified Main List. If the records are not in your Main List, then SyncApps will ignore the Campaign Responses from those records.

In this case, the "Hit Tax Ryan Territory" Campaign is sent to the specified Main List, which is "Ryan Territory Master Zoom Leads".

Hit update, Reset Sync Process, and then resync.

Once the integration is finished running, SyncApps will then create a new Salesforce Campaign, "Hit Tax Ryan Territory," together with the Campaign Responses (Marketing Metrics such as Opens, Clicks, Bounces, sent, and URLs Clicked).

We hope this has been helpful in showing how to sync your specific Lists members in Constant Contact and their Marketing Metrics back to CRM.

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